One of the best ways to get to know others and grow in faith is by joining a SMALL Group. 

Across the Team of churches there’s a range of Small Groups, meeting at different times of the week, with different styles but all focused around helping us connect with God and each other better.  All are welcome and there are contact details to sign up below.  A new list is published just before the start of each term. 

Small Groups aren’t intended to cover all we do, lots of very valuable groups will continue meeting in their own way (there are separate pages on the website for those looking to explore faith and the big questions of life through Alpha, for children, families and young people, for those who are a little older in Autumn Days and much more besides. 

If you’d be interested in hosting or leading a Small Group do have a conversation with your Team Vicar (there is plenty of support for those who do).  

What makes a SMALL Group?

All Small Groups though have committed to seven common ingredients:

  • …are focused on helping us connect more deeply with God and each

  • …are safe places to explore challenges, pains, joys & questions

  • …include prayer for each other & world, exploring the Bible & fellowship

  • …each have at least one leader & host, but ideally pairs

  • …are applied to our lives (so participatory - not listening to an expert alone)

  • …are either short term (4-10 weeks and then stop) or ongoing

  • …meet at least fortnightly or often weekly

current small Groups


If you would be interested in running a small Group, complete the form below and someone will contact you.