The Bible encourages Christians to give special respect, deference and honour to those who have the wisdom of years or, as the book of Proverbs puts it, “grey hair of experience is the splendour of the old!”.
Age is largely irrelevant as far as God – and the Church – is concerned. Our value is not based first on what we do, or have done, but on God’s invitation to be his daughters and his sons, loved and treasured for ourselves. But when we get older, we can feel left behind. A bit like the Psalmist who prayed, “In my old age, don’t set me aside. Don’t forsake me now when my strength is failing.”
Throughout the Bible, and the later story of Christianity, God often deliberately chooses people who are older, and even frailer, to fulfil his purposes. Think of Abraham and Moses, for example – they were pensioners before they even began their work for God!
All we do is open to all
There are 14 congregations across the five churches in the Harborough Anglican Team. People of all ages are welcome at nearly all our activities, ministries and services. But the Bible encourages Christians to “consider the years of all generations” and to give special respect to those who have the wisdom of years. We know that there are particular needs and opportunities that advancing years can bring. So across our churches, we offer a wide range of small groups, events and support to help you be the person you were made to be. Our hope is that each person can echo the words of Ruth in the Bible, “Praise be to God who has not abandoned us ... He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age.”
Come and see for yourself!
A special booklet with full details of the wide range of events, ministries, groups and services we host or help to lead for those with the gift of years is available to download.
We are conscious this booklet is slightly out of date as we emerge from covid restrictions. Hopefully it gives an indication of what is available but please contact us before turning up for a specific group for the first time in case arrangements have temporarily changed.
Braille or Large Print versions are available by emailing the Team Office or ringing the administrator on 01858 469330.