Under 18 Annual Registration and Consent 2022-2023
to attend groups & activities organised by the Harborough Anglican Team
Completed by parents and guardians
All children and young people are required to register for groups and activities before they can participate unaccompanied.
If you are accompanying your child to a church service or group you do not need to register. However, we would like to get to know you more and be aware of your child’s needs. Registering your child’s details with us enables us to do this better.
Where your child attends groups and is not accompanied we need your child to be registered and to have consent for them to attend.
Please complete the Registration and Consent for your child(ren) using one form per child.
Your information will be kept secure and only accessible by those authorised to work with under 18s.
It is important for the safeguarding of your child that we have up to date information so we ask that registration is renewed annually.
Thank you,
If you have any concerns or questions about registration or consent, please contact Dawn.