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Join us on Sundays

All our services are open to all. They are free to attend and you do not need to book a place. The link below takes you to a list of services and activities that are happening in all our churches. Here you can find out more about any that interest you.

Some services are traditional, some are informal and they often have refreshments afterwards. Some are planned with families in mind, others are quiet and reflective.

It may take a few attempts to find one that suits you but you can always contact us for a chat if you are not sure.

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Join a midweek group

We run Connect Groups which are small groups that meet together over a term. Each one is different. Some are active like a walking group, others are prayer or study groups and some are opportunities to learn a new skill.

They are free to attend but you will need to book a place. The link below takes you to a list of Connect Groups that are currently happening. Here you can find out more about any that interest you.

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Find out about the alpha course

The Alpha course is a short course open to all where you can with others ask questions and explore faith and God.

We welcome those with faith, those without and everyone in between.



Many people who attend church find they enjoy using their gifts in a voluntary capacity.

We have people who are skilled at craft making, great at hospitality, good listeners and much more.

Learn how to bell ring or operate the sound system in church on Sundays. Join a choir. The list is endless.